
Teams in a fashion competition! Who did it the best?

Teams in a fashion competition! Who did it the best?

Teams with stylish jerseys have been seen in the Monday Commercial House League, filling the league with entertainment, colours and fashion! There are several teams who have designed their own team jersey, making their on-duty players recognizable to the others!

Here are the highlights of these fashionable and stylish teams of the Commercial House League!

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The Cara Kita teams A and B! Featuring their Fox Jerseys, with their team moto - bowling "our way!" (Cara Kita)!

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Team Ball Busters portraying a premium look with their brightly designed pinkish white jersey!

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Team Alley Owl at the spotlight, with their colourful Red, Pink and Blue jersey!

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Black is a premium colour isn't it? Team F&S giving an all-premium look with their gold-lined black jersey!

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Team PKNS B showing bright colours and high spirits with their unique team jersey!

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Bowl up a Storm! Team High rollers with their exquisite designed Storm jerseys!

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