Megalanes SPI Staffer - Musayyar Khalid
About Musayyar
Musayyar is a one handed finesse bowler who started his bowling career at the age of 10 years old in the small town of Miri, Sarawak. Growing up, Musayyar has perfected his touch, training for almost 20 hours a week in persueing his bowling career. Musayyar now resides in Subang Jaya Selangor, making Sunway Megalanes his new home!
Number of Perfect Games : 8
Highest 3-game series : 841
Best achievement : KL International Open - Champion
Favourite current SPI 6-ball lineup
Storm Ion Max
Roto Grip Attention Line (OEM)
Storm Motor (OEM)
Storm Hyroad Punch (OEM)
Storm Tropical Surge Midnight
Roto Grip Hustler Red Pearl (OEM)
Most feared pin : Pin 10
Personal Storm Motto : From Storm, We Strive!
Ball Review List
Hustle Wine vs Tropical Surge Midnight
OEM Attention Line on 46ft All Star Pattern!
Musayyar Khalid
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