  • Optimum Idol (1)

Roto Grip Optimum Idol

RM 990.00
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With the overwhelming success and popularity around the globe of the original IDOLTM,

we felt it was important to take those original components and spin them forward with

our latest advancements in coverstock and outer core technology.

OUTSIDE - you will find our latest version of our often imitated, never duplicated,

MicroTraxTM Solid Reactive coverstock. This version is our latest "fully loaded"

nanoparticle material that creates plenty of traction without losing any responsiveness

down lane where it is cherished the most.

INSIDE - you will find the IkonTM MD (Modified Density) weightblock wrapped with

A.I. Core Technology, thus creating stronger overall core dynamics as well as more

overall energy dispersement as it travels through the pins.

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